2008年7月24日 星期四

The Dark Knight (2008) Who Let the Dogs Out? (in order to bite Batman)


Bale: Thethethe tricky thing is, you know, should Chris decides to make a third movie... how the hell, do we uh... surpass... what he achieved with the Joker? I don't know. 

Eckhart: When I had my time with Heath in the movie, I hmn, it was total awe(?) of him, you know I was just watching him, I'm in a, kind of a, paralyzed state. Whenever I just watching him doing his thing, just kind of hanging on, and that doing my jobs and admiring him at the same time. He was electric.

Gyllenhaal: (很正!!!)

Oldman: The only way I can describe is.. he tuned in and he found the frequency, was like something he could hear, thethethethe, you know the thing that dogs can hear certain, animal can hear certain sense, he could, he got a frequency none of us coul hear.   

Do I really look like a man with a plan, Harvey? I don't have a plan. The mob has plans, the cops have plans. You know what I am, Harvey? 

I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. 

I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans. Yours, theirs, everyone's. Maroni has plans. Gordon has plans. Schemers trying to control their worlds. I am not a schemer. I show schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So when I say that what happened to you and your girlfriend wasn't personal, you know I'M telling the truth. 

終於了解為什麼自己始終無法在情感上認同黑暗騎士?因為他是個 天殺 的虐狗人士。

「我就像隻追著車跑的小狗 (puppy),如果真的追到了,小狗也不知道該怎麼是好。」

萊傑飾演的小丑是如此可愛,可愛到令筆者將扭怩預設之恐懼轉為歡天喜地的投射,為什麼高譚市這天殺的虐狗集團要殘害這隻只想跑跑跳跳的小狗?Joker just wanna have fun, why so serious?


→ 用白話文來說就是他馬的過譽啦!

翹課前傳 Joker Begins (2046)

不二候選人:Joseph Gordon-Levitt 如何從跑跑跳跳的小狗進化成乒乒乓乓的小狗。

子議題:How do I make up the reasons why the smile is on that face, which is the only plan I make?

不能因為貝爾和 小克 演過美國殺人魔就說貝爾是美國人。蝙蝠俠不肯承認最大缺點是怕狗,也就是小丑,所以蝙蝠俠要開蝙蝠車趴趴走。不得不稱讚一下這次的精確選角:貝爾瑪姬都是變態臉,哈維丹特 是市儈臉,蓋瑞歐德曼是老人臉。

"There was a time when Aronofsky and Christopher Nolan seemed neck and neck for the reinvention of Batman on film..."

最讓筆者無法認同的還是 Nolan 取代 Aronofsky 拍攝蝙蝠俠,想像衛生署最佳反毒宣導片噩夢輓歌甚至是 Pi 的運鏡應用在稻草人幻覺,搭配 Clint Mansell,半人半神阿諾夫斯基更在 The Fountain 證明自己掌控大場面史詩絕對偉大能力。

Nolan 兄弟一直有複雜化劇情的缺點,至今我認為諾蘭的最優秀電影還是簡約而迷惑 (mesmerizing) 的處女原型 Following。 

Black Swan (2008)

The Wrestler (2009)

Marisa Tomei ...  Cassidy

Evan Rachel Wood ...  Stephanie

Mickey Rourke ...  Randy 'The Ram' Robinson 

The Fighter (2009)

Brad Pitt ...  Dick Eklund

Mark Wahlberg ...  'Irish' Mickey Ward

延伸閱讀:RoboCop Remake is Actually a Sequel?

黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight

152 min. 2008

Christian Bale ...  Bruce Wayne / Batman

Heath Ledger ...  The Joker

Aaron Eckhart ...  Harvey Dent / Two-Face

Michael Caine ...  Alfred Pennyworth

Maggie Gyllenhaal ...  Rachel Dawes ← 成功洗刷開戰時刻最大敗筆恥辱

Gary Oldman ...  Lt. James Gordon

Morgan Freeman ...  Lucius Fox

Cillian Murphy ...  Dr. Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow

Anthony Michael Hall ...  Mike Engel 

Dark Knight Cast and Crew Tease Third Batman Film

"I felt in doing a sequel that it would be a big mistake to try to hold anything back for future films. You have to put everything you can into this movie and try and make it as great as it can be."


"I think there is a great challenge to it for two reasons: 

one is that there have been a number of sequels that have surpassed the first movie. You know, you look at Godfather 2, Empire Strikes Back… There have not been many where the third in a trilogy has managed to be the best. And I see that as a good enough reason to want to tackle it. 


There is also another challenge that Heath has done such a superb job with this, then how do you create a superior villain?"

Christian Bale Rules Out Robin For Batman 3 (and beyond)

According to StarPulse, Christian Bale not only considers Robin lame, he has threatened to remake The Machinist as a documentary if the character crosses his path…

"If Robin crops up in one of the new Batman films, I’ll be chaining myself up somewhere and refusing to go to work."


God damn mother f***er...




↑ ONE │International

1 則留言:

  1. http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/12/05/mark-millar-talks-new-
    With Nemesis, they’re aiming to turn the handsome and
    privileged bachelor template (epitomized by the likes of
    Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark) on its head—by making him a
    Joker-level super-villain.
    The Joker’s the best thing in the Batman movies, so this guy
    is a bit of an amalgamation of all the stuff we like.
    Nemesis is the world’s smartest man, and the bad news for us
    is that he’s the world’s only super-villain. That means he’s
    got freeze guns and jump-jets and all these James Bond
    gadgets and he’s using them against us. To entertain
    himself, he picks a different cop every year and makes his
    life a misery. The book opens with him fucking over Japan’s
    top cop, and then our story, the mini-series, takes place as
    he shifts his attention to Washington and his first American

    版主回覆:(07/18/2008 10:37:04 AM)

    In a certain sense, Nemesis is reminiscent of Millar’s Wanted. Unlike the craptastic assassin narrative in the film version, the Wanted comic was actually about a world where super-villains reigned supreme, after systematically ridding the world of superheroes. This time around there’s just one super-villain, no superheroes, and only every-day cops left to try and stop Nemesis.

    All characters played by Mark Douglas
    Music by: barely jake
    Were alone you dont have to use that voice
    And what about Ms. Dawes its like you just forgot her
    In Batman Begins she was so much hotter
