2007年7月7日 星期六

Allegory ***



n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    寓言;諷喻

          2.    象徵

          3.    寓意畫

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

allegory, fable, myth, parable (nn.) 


An allegory is a narrative, drama, or device in which characters and events symbolize ideas or abstractions

A fable is a story with a moral or lesson to impart, often through the actions of animals that speak and act like people; 

one extended sense is pejorative: fables never really happen, so they're lies. 

A parable is a brief story told to illustrate a moral or religious idea. 

A myth is a narrative that explains the prehistory of a people, often dealing with their origins and their gods

by extension it is a modern effort to represent the origins and values of a race or nation, and, by the very nature of its imaginative qualities, it has acquired pejorative senses.

