2007年5月15日 星期二

Everyone Says Ed loves Drew

Just You, Just Me

My Baby Just Cares for Me


其實諾頓跳舞很遜,都在裝靦腆。不過那剛被李察吉爾傳染的瞇瞇眼,笨笨的髮型,拙拙的西裝,還有和可愛 Drew 的一搭一唱,實在是太青春無敵了,我偶像真是多才多藝。( Drew 唱歌過於難聽,是本片唯一對嘴的演員。)

大家都說我愛你是我第一部 Woody 片,單純為了諾頓而看。那時覺得 Woody 很賤,故意隔牆有耳,再假裝對鳳凰女一見如故,到最後人們在街道上還會嗨到飛起來。雖然沒有成為 Woody 影迷,但本片也夠可愛了。

自 愛與死 Love and Death (1975) 移師匈牙利 ( 少許巴黎 ) 之後,大家都說我愛你 (1996) 是 Woody 再度遠離紐約 ( 至巴黎 ) 拍的歌舞片。

1 則留言:

  1. hey, what we love is almost the SAME. (i mean at least the English-speaking
    Woody, Wes Anderson, Charlie Kaufman, EN, Al Pacino, Clooney's 11, Emily

    Don't you just love it when EVERYONE is singing and dancing HAPPILY onscreen?
    the Thriller dance of "13 in 30"
    the silly song at the end of "The 40-year-old Virgin"
    the whole movie of "Nightmare Before Christmas"
    and the hysterical "Chicago" of course.

    Mighty Aphrodite is another Woody's mass audience-friendly flick,
    and you can see the HAPPIER Helena Bonham Carter then...

    版主回覆:(05/28/2010 04:20:48 PM)

    "at least the English-speaking part"

    You don't seem like caring for my muses of the 60's, wuwu... Just
    go deeper, you might find out more the same at least the English-
    speaking part.

    Even do I love the CHORUS like "His baby don't..." at 01:47 left.

    "the HAPPIER Helena Bonham Carter"

    "I hate this image of me as a prim Edwardian. I want to shock
    everyone." from IMDb

    I can go to Harry Potter 5 for Helena.

    About Mighty Aphrodite, I would like to say Mira Sorvino WAS the
    prime of QT, it's SOSOSO a pity that QT didn't make a film for
    Mira, at least a Kill Bill or something.

    Do you know Mira's father is Paul Sorvino??? Fucking sexy gorgeous
    Italian goddes.

    Actually I'm not that into the Indian singing and dancing in
    the 40, but The Guru is just too good to be true, with Marisa
    Tomei & Heather Graham!!!

